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2018 April Update

For your information, we’ve updated the master up to 20180410-224749 patch fix. BrandMeister 20180407-192434 Fixed problem with receive of BER from MMDVM Fixed issues with list.php on some masters BrandMeister 20180329-073815 Changes in D-BUS API to stabilize handling of list.php… Read More »2018 April Update

2018 March Update

For your information, we’ve updated the master up to 20180320-164502 patch fix. BrandMeister 20180320-164502 Fixed bug in APRS speed formatting Significantly improved performance of list.php and status.php Fixed crashing by Parrot on machines having non-stable CPU load Added context protection policy, protected context flag… Read More »2018 March Update

2018 January Update

Master server has been updated to 20180119-141110 patch fix BrandMeister 20180119-100237 Added change to force DMR->D-STAR transcoding on custom version of XLX BrandMeister 20180116-121244 Fixed bug of (non-)negative temperature values on monitor for Motorola RDAC Changed MMDVM models interpretation at Web… Read More »2018 January Update

Yaesu Wires-X Bridge

Currently we have talkgroup 50210 bridge permanently to Malaysia-Net Wires-X Room which linking 2 Yaesu System Fusion Repeater – 9M2RKL and 9M4RUM on digital mode together.

2017 November Update

Master server has been updated to 20171115-195656 patch fix BrandMeister 20171115-195656 Fixed issue of SIGFAULT on TG ToT timer Fixed issue of loading AMBE voice files on systems with XFS BrandMeister 20171108-121824 Fixed decoding of Talker Alias with 16-bit encoding… Read More »2017 November Update